t: 01892 853300  m: 0797 333 0698
t: 01892 853300  m: 0797 333 0698
thedrumcoach.org rhythms@thedrumcoach.org
thedrumcoach.org                        rhythms@thedrumcoach.org


Welcome to my website that introduces myself and the drumming I offer.

I work in Shropshire mainly around Church Stretton, Ludlow and Shrewsbury.

Please have a browse around to find what you need and then contact me for more information.

It's a not-for-profit enterprise so contributions go to various good causes and charities in West Africa, mainly in The Gambia.


"Just to say how much we enjoyed our morning drumming with you! We found your teaching methods really good, even though some of us lost it occasionally! 
The feedback from everyone was brilliant so thank you and well done! 
Ann - arts group

"I love coming drumming, I really enjoy it, particularly as we have 2 new people so I can temporarily feel my skills are superior!"

Best wishes, Ailsa


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© Peter Welch/thedrumcoach