t: 01892 853300  m: 0797 333 0698
t: 01892 853300  m: 0797 333 0698
thedrumcoach.org rhythms@thedrumcoach.org
thedrumcoach.org                        rhythms@thedrumcoach.org

Drum workshop info

You pay per workshop in small groups held regularly on alternate  midweek days. Join our Whatsapp group to get latest dates and info. To book yourself onto a workshop please contact thedrumcoach: rhythms@thedrumcoach.org


Price guide: Free 'taster' session x 15 minutes! Come along and try if you've never played these kind of drums before. Then £8 inc drum hire per workshop in Ludlow & Church Stretton.  

Drum hire: you can hire a drum to play at my workshops or bring your own drum (djembe or conga preferred) if you have one. Recording equipment is also highly recommended so you can remind yourself and rehearse what you learnt.


Workshop outline 


What will we be learning?

Core West African rhythms, starting with the easier, more accessible ones, and building up to more complicated patterns.

How to hit the drum to bring out the right sound - and not hurt yourself!

How the various drum parts connect with each other. You will also hear how the large bass drums (dun-dun) underpin the djembé rhythms

Some of the origins of the drum and the rhythms used in West African culture


How will we learn?

Mainly by having fun, and by learning and playing together!

From each other in small groups to ensure individual progress

From instruction from the drum coaches. Going slowly at the start, then building up speed and technique

Having time to practice and repeat the rhythms to gain more fluency and confidence

Some 121 time to review progress and help overcome any barriers or difficulties

By using the best of current adult learning principles, with video and memory aids.

Recent feedback on my teaching: "I admire your drummers skill-set and your teaching methods!"


Questions that often arise when attending drum workshops:


Will it be the right level for me? I will assume no experience starting with the basics, and no pressure. More experienced players can take on more complex patterns plus drum signals and soloing. Everyone can try out the bass drums!


Will I be able to remember what I’ve learnt? I encourage you to record workshops (so please bring a mobile phone with you), make notes (bring a pad and pen too) and plan to practice in between workshops. We often refresh rhythms learnt at the last session. I often send out recordings and videos of recent rhythms so you can practice at home. 


Come and hit the skin!


Welcome to my website that introduces myself and the drumming I offer.

I work in Shropshire mainly around Church Stretton, Ludlow and Shrewsbury.

Please have a browse around to find what you need and then contact me for more information.

It's a not-for-profit enterprise so contributions go to various good causes and charities in West Africa, mainly in The Gambia.


"Just to say how much we enjoyed our morning drumming with you! We found your teaching methods really good, even though some of us lost it occasionally! 
The feedback from everyone was brilliant so thank you and well done! 
Ann - arts group

"I love coming drumming, I really enjoy it, particularly as we have 2 new people so I can temporarily feel my skills are superior!"

Best wishes, Ailsa


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© Peter Welch/thedrumcoach