t: 01892 853300  m: 0797 333 0698
t: 01892 853300  m: 0797 333 0698
thedrumcoach.org m: 0797 333 0698
thedrumcoach.org                         m: 0797 333 0698

Recordings from thedrumcoach

I often record the rhythms we learn for review later. These recordings act as a reminder for what we covered, and enable solo practice at home!


Video with some Kuku variations to try (big thanks to Martin Cantwell for video production: http://www.cantwell.co.uk). Call me after watching to get some more tuition:


YouTube sample of drumming for Rotherfield Fiesta 2014




Welcome to my website that introduces myself and the drumming I offer.

I work in Shropshire mainly around Church Stretton, Ludlow and Shrewsbury.

Please have a browse around to find what you need and then contact me for more information.

It's a not-for-profit enterprise so contributions go to various good causes and charities in West Africa, mainly in The Gambia.

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© Peter Welch/thedrumcoach